Join the No to Accidents campaign/well-being effort to stop the cycle
Unsafe roads, substandard vehicles and streets, and reckless driving in our country have created a cycle of death and disability on the roads…
Covering more than 95 percent of live births with timely hearing screening
The Deputy Director of Rehabilitation of State Welfare Organization, while presenting statistics on the rate of hearing impairments in the world,…
The Director-General for Disability Prevention announced on World Hearing Day:
More than 47,000 children with hearing impairments identified over the last 19 years
Referring to World Hearing Day, the Director General of Disability Prevention and Social Integration of the Welfare Organization announced the…
A group of culturally active women from Iraq visited the Shabbir Nursery
A group of culturally active women from the Republic of Iraq attended the Shabbir Nursery and were closely informed about the services provided…
The head of SWO stated;
Constructive and transformative steps of SWO to empower society
The Deputy Minister and Head of the State Welfare Organization considered popularization, downsizing the government, and delegating tasks to…
Head of SWO
Around 1383 welfare organization centers render different services to addicts
The head of the State Welfare Organization, while presenting statistics on the state of addiction in Iran and the world, emphasized on the structural…
Anniversary of the Iranian revolution
Nationwide Rallies Honoring "Enqeleb-22-Bahman-57”
The head and staff of state welfare organization held rallies on Monday morning to celebrate the 46th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution
Deputy Head of Rehabilitation Affairs of State Welfare Organization:
Disability of 51% of people with disabilities are caused by accidents
The Deputy Head of Rehabilitation Affairs of State Welfare Organization said: "51 percent of people with disabilities in society are socially…
During a joint meeting;
Sharing and transferring experiences and skills between SWO & UNICEF
Deputy minister and head of State Welfare Organization stated that we are ready to cooperate with UNICEF in new policymaking and continued: "The…
Dr. Hosseini;
Public relations are a tool for the efficiency and productivity of organizations
The first meeting of the Social Welfare Organization's Media and Information Council in the new term was held with the presence of the head,…
Based latest researchs;
16%world population in 2050 and raising number of older persons
The representative of the United Nations Population Fund said: "According to United Nations forecasts, the percentage of the population over…
In 39th National Social Work Day Conference took place;
Explaining the country's policies to control social harms
The head of State welfare organization said: "The social orientation in solving social problems could not succeed in practice because we did…
launching a National Social Work Day conference entitled "Social Work and Empowering Policy-making"
The 39th National Social Work Day Conference, titled "Social Work and Empowering Policymaking," was held at the House of Humanities Scholars…
Necessity of educational follow-up and rehabilitation of the blind at all stages of life
The deputy minister and head of State welfare organization, in a meeting with the CEO of Bawar Association, emphasized the need to pursue the…
In the presence of a group of veteran managers of the education era;
Signing a MOU between SWO and the Exceptional education organization
A memorandum of cooperation was signed between State welfare organization and the country's exceptional education organization on the topic of…
Sports is one of the most important ways to empower people with disabilities
Ehsan Asulli, head of the futsal committee and member of the board of the football federation, met with Dr. Seyed Javad Hosseini, deputy minister…
On the occasion of New year;
Deputy minister and Head of SWO paid a visit from elderly center of Hazrat Maryam
On the occasion of New year and anniversary birth of Jesus Christ deputy minister and Head of SWO paid a visit form a special christian caring…
Head of SWO, explaind;
Five basic actions of SWO to deal with the aging wave
The deputy minister and head of State welfare organization explained the fundamental measures of this organization to deal with the aging wave.
Improving quality of rehabilitation services by using capacity of knowledge-based companies
Referring to the role of knowledge-based companies in the production of rehabilitation equipment, the deputy minister and head of the country's…
Iran seven-a-side football team crowned 2024 World Cup
Iran's seven-a-side football team triumphed over Ukraine to crown the trophy of the 2024 Cerebral Palsy World Cup held in Spain.
The plan of age- friendly environment will be launched in 10 provinces
The interim head of State welfare organization pointing out the getting preparation the plan of age friendly environment said that this nationwide…
The interim Head of SWO
The ideal age of timely intervention for Autism treatment is 2 years old
Interim Head of state welfare organization pointed out that 2 years old is the best age for intervention in treatment and care of autism patients…
Seyed Ali Kazemi;
Emphasizing on family-centered approach does not mean disqualifying the centers
Stating that the institutions are not a good place for children, the Deputy Minister of Justice and the Secretary of the National Child Rights…
On the occasion of World Stuttering Awareness Day
Interim head of SWO released a message
Concurrent with the World Stuttering Awareness Day, the interim head of the State welfare organization issued the following message.
Main role of rehabilitation centers in expanding networking and increasing public participation
The head of State welfare organization emphasized on the role of rehabilitation centers in expanding networking and experience sharing and increasing…
The Interim Head of;
Socialization, merit selection, empowerment, family and community centered, seeking participation and creating opportunities are the seven strategic p
During a meeting in presence with the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare with the staffs of state welfare organization, the interim…
85% coverage of the vision screening program in the country
The deputy rehabilitation of state welfare organization said: the vision screening program is currently being carried out with the coverage of…
Passing CLPRD is a valuable step to achieve a good society
The deputy rehabilitation and educational affairs of the organization of exceptional education and exceptional children said: 3 thousand students…
Public relations play an important role in production of organization's social capital
The interim head of welfare organization said: Public relations play an important and sometimes necessary role in the formation of social capital.
Dr.Hosseini appointed as newly Head of State Welfare Organization
Dr. Ahmad Meidari appointed Dr. Javad Hosseini as Head of State Welfare Organization On October 9. It should be noted that he has Ph.D. degree…