Constructive and transformative steps of SWO to empower society

The Deputy Minister and Head of the State Welfare Organization considered popularization, downsizing the government, and delegating tasks to the people as important factors in creating a strong society, government, and people.

The head of the State welfare organization emphasized: "All countries seek to have a strong society, government, and people, and the way to achieve this goal is through popularization, downsizing the government, and delegating tasks to the people." Stating that SWO is a leader in popularizing work, he continued "24,000 centers and institutions, including charity, rehabilitation, aging, mental health, and plus life centers, have been entrusted to the people, which is an important step towards empowering the people, improving the efficiency of services, and downsizing the government."

The head of the state welfare organization, stating that people's perception of welfare organization is simply to pay pensions to people with disabilities, added: "One million and 600 thousand people out of 9 million and 800 thousand disabled people in the country receive a pension from welfare, but this is only one of the 170 welfare services." Stating that there are 13 types of care centers for the disabled, he said: Welfare organization provides services to people from before birth to after death, and 298 thousand female headed of households nationwide are covered by welfare.

He added that it is necessary to revive the identity of neighborhoods alongside the family, adding: "Achieving this goal will help strengthen the character and develop a healthy personality." Dr. Hosseini emphasized: The neighborhood welfare plan, which was implemented in the first phase for the elderly, will continue, and in this regard, active associations in the fields of optometry, genetics, speech therapy, and occupational therapy have announced their readiness. He noted: "Neighborhood welfare can be a place for neighborhood conversation, and the best place for it is the school, which should be a place of social education."

The head of State Welfare Organization also said: "Since the establishment of the Welfare Organization until today, 57 million people in the country have received vision screening services. As a result of this effort, the prevalence of amblyopia  in Iran is 1.5 percent, while the average in the world is four percent."

News Code 130623

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