Signing a MOU between SWO and the Exceptional education organization

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between State welfare organization and the country's exceptional education organization on the topic of expanding rehabilitation, educational and experience exchange activities with the presence of a group of veteran managers.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs, Dr. Ali Asghar Fani, the former Minister of Education, said in this meeting that if you believe in the welfare workers, trust them and leave the work to them, you will achieve excellent results. Establishing mutual trust between employees and managers is a main condition of successful management.

He stated that the granting of the license for the establishment of kindergartens was entrusted to education and welfare in the past years, and said: it is necessary to organize kindergartens in cooperation with welfare and education.

Emphasizing on technical and professional training for people with disabilities, Dr. Fani added: the use of intellectual games for the education of children with disabilities is more effective, and it is necessary to form a committee to create educational games for these people.

Referring to the latest international research in the field of philanthropy, the head of State welfare organization said: 66 percent of Iranians are involved in charitable affairs individually, which ranks 23rd in the world. For the quantitative and qualitative development of good deeds, charitable activities should be organized in the form of voluntary networks and in the form of organizations in different thematic areas for quantitative and qualitative development.

He added: family-centeredness, empowering families, occupational rehabilitation, prevention and rehabilitation equipment are among the other provisions of this memorandum.

News Code 127068

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