Emphasizing on family-centered approach does not mean disqualifying the centers

Stating that the institutions are not a good place for children, the Deputy Minister of Justice and the Secretary of the National Child Rights Authority said: "We are not looking to close the institutions, but we are looking to change the missions and expand them.

According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs, Seyed Ali Kazemi stated in the specialized meeting of the family-centered approach in organizing of children without an effective caregiver that were held in the welfare organization: There is a traditional view of the child and the family, and also a new view and there is a right-oriented view towards the child and a duty-oriented view towards the family. These two types of views require their own mechanisms. In the traditional view of the child, we see the child as a dependent and passive being that is basically no different whether in the family or in the institution. But in the right-oriented view that has prevailed in the last few decades, the right-oriented view towards the child is prominent and the family is viewed as an ideal so that the child is respected, seen, heard and participated in this environment and all the gifts and talents and to activate his personal capacities to be a worthy citizen.

Kazemi continued: If we look at the family and the child this way, institutions are not a good place for children, because it cannot explain these children's rights. Therefore, in this new discourse, family orientation should be considered, and therefore, in international standards, family orientation and connection with family are certain principles, and this has been the case in our policies as well.

He continued: I am trying to make the bird in the cage live very well; this is the story of keeping children in institutions, and that is why we believe that institutions should be replaced by good families.

News Code 121091

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