Passing CLPRD is a valuable step to achieve a good society

The deputy rehabilitation and educational affairs of the organization of exceptional education and exceptional children said: 3 thousand students with visual impairment and 5200 students in receptive schools receive educational and rehabilitation services.

According to the report of public relations and international affairs, Esmail Barki, deputy rehabilitation and educational affairs of the Organization of Exceptional Education, in the scientific-specialist panel that commemorated the International Day of the Blind,  in presence with interim head of a group of organization managers at the place of SWO, said  a good society is a society in which the rights of people with disabilities are respected elsewhere he reiterated fortunately, effective measures have been taken in the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and have led to the adoption of a comprehensive law on the protection of the rights of the disabled.

The Deputy of Rehabilitation and Educational Affairs of the Exceptional Education Organization considered exceptional children as an inseparable part of education and referring to the valuable services of the Welfare Organization in timely intervention, counseling, screening and injury prevention, he said: In exceptional education and 80 1000 students are studying in special schools, exceptional schools and receptive schools.

He considered the competition of exceptional students with ordinary students in the national level competitions and the school Olympiad, which resulted in the top ranking by exceptional students, as a source of pride for providing books adapted to Braille to 2,300 people and preparing 251000 book volumes with 193 titles and 290 volumes for the next academic year.

The deputy rehabilitation and educational affairs of the organization of exceptional education, by providing the services of departments related to the disabled based on the inherent duties and synergy and cooperation of other institutions based on social responsibility under the slogan of a good society; observance of rights, good city; adaptation and good education; let's implement equal opportunity education for all people.

News Code 120025

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