According to the Public Relations and International Affairs report, Dr. Fatemeh Abbasi, Deputy Director of Rehabilitation Affairs of State Welfare Organization, while announcing her joining the No to Accidents campaign, said: "Unsafe roads, substandard vehicles, substandard streets, and reckless driving in our country have created a cycle of death and disability on roads and cities. Every year, 17,000 people lose their lives in road accidents, and about 60,000 people are added to the country's disabled population, 3,000 of whom have spinal cord injuries."
He added: "This means that annually, 60,000 people from the active workforce leave the field of work and production for a period of time, and 3,000 of these people not only no longer have a role in the country's economic cycle, but also need to receive rehabilitation and support services themselves."
The Deputy Director of Rehabilitation of the Welfare Organization of the country said: "Based on the survey of the prevalence of disability and injury in Iran and the etiological study of injuries conducted by the Welfare Organization during the years 2018 to 2024, it is estimated that about 4% of people with disabilities have suffered disabilities due to traffic accidents."
Abbasi added: On the other hand, in the Welfare Organization's database, which includes people who refer to the organization and are covered, about 43,000 people with disabilities have spinal cord injuries, of which more than 37 percent are due to accidents (road and urban). Given the high cost of disability for the individual, family, and government, this statistic should be considered.
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