Taking benefit of 6900 people form life skills training services in 2023

Director General of Counseling and Psychological Affairs of State welfare organization said: 6964 people benefited from life skills training services last year.

Director General of Counseling and Psychological Affairs of State Welfare Organization said: In order to improve the quality of psychological services in face-to-face and non-face-to-face counseling centers (governmental and non-governmental), the organization organizes diverse and extensive training courses for psychologists and counselors.

She continued: Welfare organization in order to improve the quality of life, strengthen the foundation of the family, increase individual and social capabilities, promote psycho-social health, prevent, control and reduce social harms with a family oriented approach, premarital education services, family life education and skills training presents life through counseling centers throughout the country.

Tavakoli noted: Last year, more than 1,280,000 people benefited from the psychological services of governmental and non-governmental centers in the form of more than 2,907 counseling sessions.

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