Benefiting more than one million people from family-oriented welfare services

Dr.Abbasi deputy for rehabilitation affairs of SWO said that; people with disabilities, as the largest minority in any society, have rights and rights that must be seen and paid attention to by officials and guardians, although the welfare organization has tried to meet some of the needs of this group, but hundreds of billions of Tomans are spent annually on maintaining The disabled and the elderly are cared for in public and private centers. By relying on Islamic culture and altruism and by strengthening family-oriented services, it is possible for these people to be present among families.

Fatemeh Abbasi in an interview with "Iran", pointing out that family-oriented welfare services include care at home, providing rehabilitation services at home, rehabilitation livelihood allowance (pension), livelihood allowance for people with severe disabilities or severe lack of job and income (assistance) cost of living,Article 27), allowance for the right to nurse and help people with disabilities in the family and allowance for the right to nurse for people with spinal cord injuries.Abbasi, providing access to care and rehabilitation services at home, improving the level of health and reaching maximum relative independence in the functioning of individuals, justice in providing services and compensating part of the costs of living and livelihood and care of the target group, reducing the burden of care and increasing family resilience. And finally, maintaining the dignity of the target group in the family and improving their quality of life and providing a platform for maintaining and caring for the target group at home and with the family are among the main goals of family-oriented services.

News Code 112399

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