The condolence message of head of SWO following the martyrdom of president and his companions

The deputy minister and head of the State welfare organization following the martyrdom of Iran's president ,Dr. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, the minister of foreign affairs and a group of servants of incumbent government issued a condolences message as follows:

"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful"

The martyrdom of Ayatollah Dr.Raisi and his beloved companions, who were rendering valuable services to the noble nation of Iran, caused grief and  impression to large family of State welfare organization. Undoubtedly, the services of these loved ones and their continuous efforts for Islam and the country could not have been rewarded other than their martyrdom concurrent with the birthday of Imam Reza. The concern, reviews and recommendations of the honorable president towards the target community and the clients of this organization were unforgettable and unprecedented and will never be wipe out from our hearts and minds.

Today, the hearts of the entire nation of Iran are mourning and grieving for the 8 martyrs who died on the road to service in the accident that occurred in Varzghan, Tabriz, and I, on behalf of the bereaved family of the State welfare organization and social partners, testify the testimony of the honorable president, the honorable minister of foreign affairs, the honorable representative of Wali Faqih, the honorable governor Eastern Azerbaijan, the security team and the flight crew congratulate and offer my condolences to the presence of Hazrat Waliasr (AS), the Supreme Leader and his dear family and the noble nation of Iran. For all of them, I wish companionship with  holy parents, especially Hazrat Ali Ibn Musa Al-Reza (AS), and for the survivors, I wish patience and continued service.

News Code 108420

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